Unemployment is Georgians' #1 problem
- ❤ 6 მოწონება
- 4222 ნახვა
According to the Caucasus Barometer 2012, most Georgians consider unemployment to be the #1 problem facing the country. Economists and public officials do not agree with the National Statistics Office of Georgia, which states that the unemployment rate is 15% in Georgia, and think that it is much higher reaching up to 60%.
JumpStart Georgia researched and visualized the unemployment situation in Georgia with the relevant survey results indicating Georgians' concerns about this issue in the country.
- ორგანიზაცია: JumpStart Georgia
- ჟურნალისტი: Nino Macharashvili (JumpStart Georgia)
- დიზაინერი: Mariam Kobuladze (JumpStart Georgia)
- მონაცემთა წყარო:
- მონაცემები: ჩამოტვირთვა
- ენა: English, ქართული
- კატეგორია: Economy / Business, Politics, Society
- ტიპი: ინფოგრაფიკა