Did the National Assessment and Examinations Center fail their own test?
- ❤ 1 მოწონება
- 2129 ნახვა
According to the results of the 2016 summer teachers' qualification exams, on average, 4 out of 5 exam-takers failed the test.
The NAEC has stated the public cannot use the results to evaluate teachers and their qualifications because the test was taken both by current teachers as well as aspiring teachers. However, the NAEC did not record whether or not the exam was taken by a current teacher or an aspiring teacher. How, then, can the public evaluate Georgia's teachers and their qualifications?
- ორგანიზაცია: JumpStart Georgia
- ჟურნალისტი: JumpStart Georgia
- დიზაინერი: Ia Ninoshvili (JumpStart Georgia)
- მონაცემთა წყარო:
- ენა: English, ქართული
- კატეგორია: Education, Society
- ტიპი: ინფოგრაფიკა