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Powerful is the nation that has strong families - Domestic violence is widespread in Armenia. While it is not unique to Armenia, what makes domestic violence a more serious issue in the country is the response of the state and the society. Armenia still does not have a separate law on domestic violence. Moreover, 20% of men and  9% of women think that wife beating is justifiable. Not only are the victims reluctant to report to the police, but only 8% of women think that family problems can be discussed outside of the family.  - 20% of men and 9% of women agree that wife beating is justifiable for at least one of the specified situation
Ever‐partnered women at some point in their lives (lifetime prevalence of intimate partner violence) had been subjected to 
61% - controlling behavior
25% - psychological violence/abuse 
9% -physical violence 
3.3% - sexual violence
3.3% of ever‐partnered, ever pregnant women experienced physical violence by intimate partner during pregnancy.

In 2014, Police registered 
682 cases of domestic violence cases, of which 
401 cases (59%) the perpetrator was the husband
99 cases (14.5%) parents abused by a child 
52 cases (7.6%) children abused by a parent

11 cases of homicide;

But the numbers are believed to be higher.
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women in Armenia registers 2000-2500 calls a year, 80% of which are domestic violence cases.
Only 7.7% of women believe that family problems can be discussed with persons other than family members.

Domestic violence is widespread in Armenia. While it is not unique to Armenia, what makes domestic violence a more serious issue in the country is the response of the state and the society. Armenia still does not have a separate law on domestic violence. Moreover, 20% of men and 9% of women think that wife beating is justifiable. Not only are the victims reluctant to report to the police, but only 8% of women think that family problems can be discussed outside of the family.

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