Powerful is the nation that has strong families
- ❤ 2 მოწონება
3705 ნახვა
Domestic violence is widespread in Armenia. While it is not unique to Armenia, what makes domestic violence a more serious issue in the country is the response of the state and the society. Armenia still does not have a separate law on domestic violence. Moreover, 20% of men and 9% of women think that wife beating is justifiable. Not only are the victims reluctant to report to the police, but only 8% of women think that family problems can be discussed outside of the family.
- ორგანიზაცია: JumpStart Georgia
- ჟურნალისტი: Arpine Porsughyan (JumpStart Georgia)
- დიზაინერი: Irakli Chumburidze (JumpStart Georgia)
მონაცემთა წყარო:
- Armenia Demographic and Health Survey 2010, NSS
- Nationwide Survey on Domestic Violence Against Women in Armenia; UNFPA, 2011
- Police of the Republic of Armenia
- Women's Resource Center Armenia
- ენა: English, Հայերեն
- კატეგორია: Health / Public Safety, Society, Gender
- ტიპი: ინფოგრაფიკა