Disproportionate punishment in Georgia
- ❤ 4 მოწონება
- 2807 ნახვა
JumpStart Georgia is publishing a fourth infographic from the series of visualizations created within the framework of the Drug Policy Liberalization Campaign.
Georgia's current drug policy is punishment oriented and does not work. What's more, it increases the harm and implies disproportionate punishment.
- ორგანიზაცია: JumpStart Georgia
- ჟურნალისტი: Nino Macharashvili (JumpStart Georgia)
- დიზაინერი: Irakli Chumburidze (JumpStart Georgia)
მონაცემთა წყარო:
- Criminal Code of Georgia
- ენა: English, ქართული
- კატეგორია: Justice, Health / Public Safety
- ტიპი: ინფოგრაფიკა