More power - more harm to the environment?
- ❤ 2 Հավանություններ
- 2497 Դիտումներ
Currently, there are 17 hydro power plants in Georgia. There are also up to 15 ongoing investment projects in this field, according to the official data.
Additionally, the Georgian Ministry of Energy has provided a list of potential hydro power plant projects that investors can declare their interest in. Companies can also sign a memorandum of collaboration with the state.
- Կազմակերպություն: Liberali
- Թղթակից: Eka Maghaldadze (Liberali)
- Ձևավորող: Ia Ninoshvili (JumpStart Georgia)
- Տվյալների աղբյուր:
- Լեզու: English, ქართული
- Կատեգորիա: Environment, Economy / Business
- Տիպ: Ինֆոգրաֆիկա