End violence against children in Georgia
- ❤ 2 Հավանություններ
- 3872 Դիտումներ
Violence against children is widespread in Georgia: 45% of Georgians believe that the use of physical violence against children is acceptable, and 60% believe that harsh parenting is more effective than non-violent disciplinary methods.
Even though the majority of Georgians believe that physical violence is an issue and needs addressing, they are still reluctant to accept the idea of the ‘authorities’ interfering with family affairs, even when there may be violence.
- Կազմակերպություն: JumpStart Georgia
- Թղթակից: Nino Macharashvili (JumpStart Georgia)
- Ձևավորող: Mariam Kobuladze (JumpStart Georgia)
- Տվյալների աղբյուր:
- Լեզու: English, ქართული
- Կատեգորիա: Education, Society, Gender
- Տիպ: Ինֆոգրաֆիկա