Georgia Election Data
Georgian Election Data brings to you the results of each election in Georgia since 2008. You can explore each election in detail using a variety of indicators such as turnout, overall results, individual party results, and much more. Visualizing the data using maps as well as in tabular format allows you to explore and analyze how election results are distributed geographically by district and precinct. In this way, you have the tools to explore data for different applications, such as identifying areas of low turnout to target voter mobilization efforts at the street level, where they are most effective.
In addition to election results, you can also explore both using the map and in tabular format the data of a number of voters lists beginning in 2006, including indicators such as the total number of voters, average age of voters, and duplications.
- Organization: JumpStart Georgia
- Reporter: JumpStart Georgia
- Designer: Irakli Chumburidze (JumpStart Georgia), Mariam Kobuladze (JumpStart Georgia)
- Developer: Vazha Asatiani, Jason Addie (JumpStart Georgia)
- Data Source:
- Language: English, ქართული
- Category: Politics, Society
- Type: Interactive