Will Azerbaijan resume arrests after the European Games?
- ❤ 1 მოწონება
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Since 2012, the number of political prisoners in Azerbaijan, a member of the Council of Europe, has increased by approximately 400%. Currently, there are at least 80 political prisoners in jail, down from about 100 at the end of 2014. As the 2015 European Games commence today in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, the question remains whether the recent release of political prisoners is only a PR stunt, or the calm before the storm once the Games conclude.
- ორგანიზაცია: JumpStart Georgia
- ჟურნალისტი: Michael Montafi, Nino Macharashvili, Eric Barrett
- დიზაინერი: Ia Ninoshvili
- მონაცემთა წყარო:
- ენა: English, ქართული
- კატეგორია: World, Politics, Society, Justice
- ტიპი: ინფოგრაფიკა