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Where do Armenians get their news? - Freedom House's 2014 Freedom of the Press Index classifies Armenian media as “not free.” Online media can serve as a platform for “freeing” press, as the Internet is increasingly becoming more accessible to the wider population in Armenia. However, Internet use is often limited to recreation, while TV remains the main source of information for the overwhelming majority of the population. - Freedom House's 2014 Freedom of the Press Index classifies Armenian media as “not free.” Online media can serve as a platform for “freeing” press, as the Internet is increasingly becoming more accessible to the wider population in Armenia. However, Internet use is often limited to recreation, while TV remains the main source of information for the overwhelming majority of the population. 
TV domination
98% of the households own a TV sets
TV is the main source of information on current events and news for 79%
 31% watch 3-5 hours of TV daily
TRUST: Trust in national or local TV as a source of information on current events and news -  57-58%
Online media
47% used Internet in the past 12 months (48% of them used it daily) (CB, 2013)
90% use the internet to connect with friends
Internet is the main source of information on current events and news for 17% (6% in 2011)
13% use social network sites for sharing political and social news (7% in 2011)
Trust in online media as a source of information on current events and news - 40% 
Trust in media
General trust in media (as an institution) - 26%

Freedom House's 2014 Freedom of the Press Index classifies Armenian media as “not free.” Online media can serve as a platform for “freeing” press, as the Internet is increasingly becoming more accessible to the wider population in Armenia. However, Internet use is often limited to recreation, while TV remains the main source of information for the overwhelming majority of the population.
