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2012-2016 Georgian Budget for Healthcare - In 2012 Georgia started Programme Budgeting. Budget funds are spent on programmes categorized under 12 priorities. Healthcare priority gets funding from the budget for 8 programmes (from 2013 Central Referral Laboratory Program was renamed by Research Centre Program). 

The infographic shows the 2012-2016 budget for  Healthcare programs broken down by total funding and overall percentage for each program. The numbers in the infographic are taken from draft budget documents presented to Georgian Parliament in 2011 and 2012 and do not reflect any changes made at a later date. -

In 2012 Georgia started Programme Budgeting. Budget funds are spent on programmes categorized under 12 priorities. Healthcare priority gets funding from the budget for 8 programmes (from 2013 Central Referral Laboratory Program was renamed by Research Centre Program).

The infographic shows the 2012-2016 budget for Healthcare programs broken down by total funding and overall percentage for each program. The numbers in the infographic are taken from draft budget documents presented to Georgian Parliament in 2011 and 2012 and do not reflect any changes made at a later date.
